? In Memory Harold Allen Qween 31-08-1943
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Harold Allen Queen was the brother of my wife Lori's uncle Bruce Queen , both were brothers and entered the services like thousands of other young Canadians did .Uncle Bruce was with the Calgary Highlanders and he went overseas and landed in France and fought battles through France, Belgium ,Zeeland in the Netherlands and as far as into Germany.Uncle Bruce survived the war and married my wife Lori's aunt . Harold Allen Queen died in the Netherlands on a failed mission in a plane over Holland. Sergeant Harold Queen was an Air Gunner in the Regiment Royal Canadian Air Force. 207 R.A.F Sgdn. We were asked by Lori's aunt ,the wife of Bruce Queen if we could take some pictures when we visited Groesbeek of the grave of Harold . Allen. Queen . I like to dedicate these Groesbeek pages to the family of Harold & Bruce Queen . This is in honor of two great Canadian Soldiers. For some more info about Harold Allen Queen can you click on this link.